Hamsters for Kids Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers

Posted by Andrew Davidson on

Hamsters for Kids

Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers

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Facts about Hamsters

Hamsters are fuzzy little creatures that are easy to care for. There are many fun facts about hamsters. There are over 25 different hamsters in the world but only five can be kept as pets. The biggest hamster is 34cm or 12 inches long and the smallest hamster is about 51/2 cm or 2 inches long. Hamsters are easy to take care of. The oldest hamsters live up to four years old. They can live for two, three or four years.
The heart of a hamster beats between 300 and 500 times in a minute. They have teeth that keep growing just like the teeth of rabbits. That is why they keep munching and biting stuff. It is important to give them dog biscuits to prevent them from biting the bars of their cage. They also need their toenails to be clipped using a nail cutter. If the hamster bites, try to put sandpaper on the base of their running wheels so that it can file the nails when the hamster runs.
Hamsters have a good memory. They can remember other hamsters that are related to them. They also respond to names. When you call your hamster by name, it will come to you. There is a hamster type called the Syrian hamster that comes in forty colors. If you love different colors, try keeping the Syrian hamster for a pet. Remember to keep a male hamster in its own cage. Keep two male hamsters into two different cages. Male hamsters fight and bite each other when they are kept together. These are some amazing facts about hamsters.

How Hamsters Communicate

Hamsters are those cute puffy little animals that you can hold into your hands. Like us, humans, each hamster has its own distinctive personality which makes it unique in the hamster’s world. What all the hamsters have in common is the way they communicate with each other. You can actually observe if you are paying attention if your hamster is angry, happy or he is simply in a mood to spend some time alone.

hamsters books for kids

Hamster communication is quite amazing - they emit a certain smell when they rub up against objects, they squeak and have a specific body language. When your hamster smells an object, it means he marks his territory. When he squeaks, it means he communicates with other hamsters. If there is no other animal around, this means your little and cute pet is afraid of something or has a state of discomfort. Lastly, when he stretches his body, this means your pet is relaxed or, in case it is a female, she is interested in mating.


Hamsters as Pets

You go to a pet shop, and all of a sudden you discover there's a small furry animal called a Hamster. You are about to ask your parents to buy you one, when you realize it is a good idea to find out more about having hamsters as pets.

hamster books for kids

At first glance, you might think it is a mouse, but when you look again, you see its rounded body, and immediately notice their beautiful colors, such as brown, beige, ivory, and some of them are spotted as well. You would love to have one of them at home. Having hamsters as pets is not a bad idea, but keep in mind that hamsters are not toys. They are recommended when children are eight or older. These little animals like to sleep during the day, that's why it is important to manage them (under adult supervision) carefully so they won't bite you.

Hamster Care

Hamsters, aren't they among the cutest things you have ever seen? They are wonderful and cuddly pets that young boys and girls like you love to own. Because of their small size and nature, they are fairly easy to take care of. Let’s go through some of the things you need to do to ensure that your hamster remains a happy and healthy little fellow.

hamster books for kids

1. Spacious habitat The home of your furry little friend should always be one that is very spacious and large. This is so that the little guy has room to move around and doesn't feel cramped up in its cage. 2. Filling the cage with essentials Now that we have a home in place, it then has to be filled with all the things that the hamster will need. They include: bedding (which can be bought at the pet store), a water bottle, a food dish, some toys and of course the hamster running wheel. 3. Proper feeding As with most hamsters, you will need to keep them on a diet that consists mostly of vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. However, it is recommended that you mainly feed them the readily available food mixes for hamsters. On occasion, you can also feed them some apple, bananas, spinach and sweet potatoes. 4. Health The best way to ensure that your pet remains healthy, is to always clean up after him/her and also make sure that he/she has enough toys to keep them busy and active. That's it. If you do those things and do them well, you will always have a happy and healthy pet.

Hamster Health

It is very important to keep your hamster as healthy as possible if you want it to be happy and feel at home living with you. I will now go over some simple tips to keep your hamster healthy.

hamster books for kids
Housing - One thing your hamster will love is having a lot of room in its cage to explore, you also want to have a wheel for your hamster to exercise on as this will keep it fit and healthy. Cage - Make sure you keep the cage away from windows or any bright lights. Food and Water - Be sure to make sure the water you give the hamster is fresh and at room temperature, make sure it is not too hot or cold. Also try not to feed any leftover vegetables to your hamster as some have been sprayed with chemicals that can damage the hamster’s health. I hope these tips have helped you make your hamster healthier. Read more...

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