Children's Picture Books Blog — kittens
Kittens For Kids Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers
Posted by John Davidson on

1. Facts about KittensKitten FactsKittens lifespan can be up to 20 years.To figure out how old your cat is, multiply his years by 4, this will total human years for your kitten or cat.Kittens need their mothers for six weeks before going to a new home.Kittens cannot have dry food until they are weaned from their mother's milk.Kittens become lactose intolerant after being weaned from their mother.Kittens should not have cow's milk.Kittens cannot see or hear when they are born.Kittens are considered kittens until 2 years of age. © Sara Robinson - Fotolia.comAdopt a KittenIf you are thinking about getting...