Children's Picture Books Blog — dog
Labrador Retrievers Dog Books for Kids
Posted by John Davidson on

Labrador Retrievers Dog Books for Kids Download this book click here >>> Table of ContentsIntroductionChapter 1 Early HistoryChapter 2 Fascinating Features & CareChapter 3 Amazing retriever's factsConclusion Man's best friendAuthor Bio Introduction “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loveshimself.”― Josh Billings Labrador retrievers are warm, fuzzy, lovable companions. Theyare also patient and easygoing. And they don’t have a mean streak intheir body! Of course it does not mean a retriever will never, ever, getupset. It only means getting angry is the exception and not the rule.Their easygoing nature makes them an ideal...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, children, children picture books, dog, early reader, kids, young readers
Boxers Dog Books for Kids
Posted by John Davidson on

Boxers Dog Books for Kids Introduction Happiness is a warm puppy.― Charles M. SchulzBoxers are fun loving dogs with a heart of gold. At first glance,they may seem imposing with a hidden message of ‘see but don’ttouch’ — that is until their joy and boundless energy comes shiningthrough!This short haired, stocky breed comes from Germany. A mix betweenan Old English Bulldog and the Bullenbeisser (Now extinct), this breedis a part of the working group of dogs. After World War I, Boxersarrived to the United States, and became a lovable companion to manydog owners.Despite their origins, it is not a...