Children's Picture Books Blog — amazing animal books
Eagles For Kids Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
Posted by John Davidson on

Eagles are some of the largest birds of prey around – second only to vultures in terms of size – and are the ultimate apex predator of the avian (bird) kingdom. Feared by animals on land, sea, and even in the skies, eagles have developed a reputation for being one of the most lethal – and sometimes downright vicious – of wildlife species.When most people think of eagles, they probably think of large fierce-looking birds with sharp elongated claws tearing apart some poor unfortunate rodent – and, unlike other wild animal stereotypes – it's actually pretty accurate. Eagles roam the...
- Tags: amazing animal books, book, books, children, children picture books, eagles, early reader, kids, Lbug books, young readers
Allosaurus The Strange Reptile
Posted by John Davidson on

Greetings young reader! Today we are going to take a step back in time and enter the age of the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are an extinct species of animal that began to live on the Earth over 200 million years ago. “Extinct” means that they no longer exist. The dinosaurs are some of the most intriguing and awe-inspiring animals that have existed on our planet. The dinosaurs’ colossal size, strange characteristics, and mysterious disappearance make them inherently worthy of study and interest. Even more than these reasons, the study of dinosaurs itself is an incredible adventure which requires thought and...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, book, books, children, children picture books, early reader, kids, young readers
Kittens For Kids Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers
Posted by John Davidson on

1. Facts about KittensKitten FactsKittens lifespan can be up to 20 years.To figure out how old your cat is, multiply his years by 4, this will total human years for your kitten or cat.Kittens need their mothers for six weeks before going to a new home.Kittens cannot have dry food until they are weaned from their mother's milk.Kittens become lactose intolerant after being weaned from their mother.Kittens should not have cow's milk.Kittens cannot see or hear when they are born.Kittens are considered kittens until 2 years of age. © Sara Robinson - Fotolia.comAdopt a KittenIf you are thinking about getting...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, book, books, children, children picture books, chinchillas for kids, early reader, kids, kittens, Lbug books, young readers
My First Book about Camels - Amazing Animal Books Children's Picture Books
Posted by John Davidson on

Camels have also been called the cars of the desert, for over one hundred years. They might be a funny looking animal that spits and has a hump.Really camels are just good at adapting to the desert environment where they live What is a camel? There are two types of camels; the Bactrian camel and the dromedary camel. Two Bactrian camels They spread their weight out between the third and fourth toes; this is the same as deer, pigs, giraffes, sheep, and goats. Camel's humps are full of fat storage, when they run out of food or water; their body...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, camels, children, children picture books, early reader, kids, Lbug books, young readers
Shrimp For Kids Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
Posted by John Davidson on Shrimp are some of the most popular kinds of seafood. You might haveseen them at a seafood restaurant, or on TV or in movies. Shrimp seemsto be a really luxurious food at some times, and at other times, it’s usedin things like egg rolls, which are not very expensive most of the time.However, have you ever wondered what shrimp are like as animalsinstead of food? There is a whole world of animals within the groupname of shrimp. Many kinds of shrimp live throughout the world, andthey can be interesting and beautiful to see.From the itty bitty two centimeter...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, children, children picture books, early reader, kids, Lbug books, shrimp, young readers