Children's Picture Books Blog — Lbug books
Shrimp For Kids Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
Posted by John Davidson on Shrimp are some of the most popular kinds of seafood. You might haveseen them at a seafood restaurant, or on TV or in movies. Shrimp seemsto be a really luxurious food at some times, and at other times, it’s usedin things like egg rolls, which are not very expensive most of the time.However, have you ever wondered what shrimp are like as animalsinstead of food? There is a whole world of animals within the groupname of shrimp. Many kinds of shrimp live throughout the world, andthey can be interesting and beautiful to see.From the itty bitty two centimeter...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, children, children picture books, early reader, kids, Lbug books, shrimp, young readers
Turtles For Kids-Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers
Posted by John Davidson on

Turtles are a very common animal to us that is classified as a reptile.Its body is shielded by a special bony shell which is their instinctivefeature. There are two main groups of turtles:1. Sea Turtle: This specific kind of turtles are generally big in sizeand are found in all the Oceans in the world except for the ArcticOcean.2. Fresh Water Turtle: This turtle is mainly called “Tortoises” andlive on the land. They are smaller than the Sea turtles. All kinds of turtles have a shield around their bodies for theirprotection. The shield has two parts. The upper part is called“Carapace”...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, children, children picture books, early reader, kids, Lbug books, turtles, young readers
Rabbits For Kids Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
Posted by John Davidson on

RabbitsFor Kids Amazing Animal BooksFor Young Readers Download here: Introduction Rabbits are adorable animals that many people keep as pets. They exist bothin the wild and as pets in great numbers; in fact, rabbits are known for havingbabies, and lots of them. The reason there are so many rabbits is because theyhave so many babies, and with short gaps in between. The rabbit has been shown as a trickster in many tales throughout the world;it’s also considered a symbol of life and fertility, particularly in the Christiantradition. Easter is a time of year that decorations of rabbits are put...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, children, children picture books, chinchillas for kids, early reader, kids, Lbug books, young readers
Hamsters for Kids Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers
Posted by Andrew Davidson on

Hamsters for Kids Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers Download here >>> Facts about Hamsters Hamsters are fuzzy little creatures that are easy to care for. There are many fun facts about hamsters. There are over 25 different hamsters in the world but only five can be kept as pets. The biggest hamster is 34cm or 12 inches long and the smallest hamster is about 51/2 cm or 2 inches long. Hamsters are easy to take care of. The oldest hamsters live up to four years old. They can live for two, three or four years.The heart of a hamster...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, children, children picture books, chinchillas for kids, early reader, hamster, kids, Lbug books, young readers
Boxers Dog Books for Kids
Posted by John Davidson on

Boxers Dog Books for Kids Introduction Happiness is a warm puppy.― Charles M. SchulzBoxers are fun loving dogs with a heart of gold. At first glance,they may seem imposing with a hidden message of ‘see but don’ttouch’ — that is until their joy and boundless energy comes shiningthrough!This short haired, stocky breed comes from Germany. A mix betweenan Old English Bulldog and the Bullenbeisser (Now extinct), this breedis a part of the working group of dogs. After World War I, Boxersarrived to the United States, and became a lovable companion to manydog owners.Despite their origins, it is not a...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, boxers, children, children picture books, dog, early reader, kids, Lbug books, young readers