Cougars For Kids-Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
Posted by John Davidson on
Cougars For Kids - Amazing Animal Books-For Young Readers
Cougars, also known as mountain lions, are probably one of the best
known local predators in the places like the United States of America.
As one of the very few big cats in North America, the cougar sort of
inhabits a special place in American and other cultures.
known local predators in the places like the United States of America.
As one of the very few big cats in North America, the cougar sort of
inhabits a special place in American and other cultures.
It has no special markings; it's mostly its size that sets it apart from
other cats for those who live around it. The cougar is not necessarily
loved where it lives, but certainly fulfills an important part of its
other cats for those who live around it. The cougar is not necessarily
loved where it lives, but certainly fulfills an important part of its

What is a cougar?
A cougar is the Puma Concolor, by its scientific name. It's been called
mountain lion, puma, panther, and catamount, among other names. It is
a large felid, meaning a sort of cat. It actually holds the record for the
largest number of names for one animal.
mountain lion, puma, panther, and catamount, among other names. It is
a large felid, meaning a sort of cat. It actually holds the record for the
largest number of names for one animal.
A particularly reddish cougar.
However, the special and interesting thing about the cougar is that it
isn't a 'big cat.' This means not that it's not large, but rather that it
doesn't belong to the same family as the biggest cats in the world: the
lion, the tiger, the leopard, and of course, the jaguar, the only member
of the group that lives in the Americas.
isn't a 'big cat.' This means not that it's not large, but rather that it
doesn't belong to the same family as the biggest cats in the world: the
lion, the tiger, the leopard, and of course, the jaguar, the only member
of the group that lives in the Americas.
Instead, the cougar is related to small cats. This includes the house cat.
It is far more closely related to your little pet cat than it is to the jaguar.
It's the largest of the small cats, though calling it a small cat seems a
stretch of the imagination.
The cougar probably has the widest range of any land mammal. Its
range stretches from up in North America to down in South America; it
very much lives on both continents, though a lot has been done in parts
of North America to clear it out.
range stretches from up in North America to down in South America; it
very much lives on both continents, though a lot has been done in parts
of North America to clear it out.
How it arrived in America is up for debate, as is when. Cats don't tend
to leave fossils so much, for whatever reason, so we don't have much to
go on. We do know that its part of the world has never held all that
many big cats at all.
to leave fossils so much, for whatever reason, so we don't have much to
go on. We do know that its part of the world has never held all that
many big cats at all.
The cougar is most closely related to the jaguarundi. The jaguarundi is
not related to the jaguar, despite the similar names; instead, it is a small
cat about a tenth the size of the cougar. It is spread over Central and
South America, though definitely not present in the United States of
America. It is also called the eyra cat.
not related to the jaguar, despite the similar names; instead, it is a small
cat about a tenth the size of the cougar. It is spread over Central and
South America, though definitely not present in the United States of
America. It is also called the eyra cat.
Both of these animals are in the same group, Puma. This makes them
somewhat related to the cheetah, but how exactly has not been
completely determined.
somewhat related to the cheetah, but how exactly has not been
completely determined.

Basically, the background of the cougar is a bit of a mystery to
zoologists and other scientists.
The cougar is very slender and agile; it is the fourth largest cat in the
world. They tend to be anywhere from six to eight feet long, though the
males are generally bigger than the females.
world. They tend to be anywhere from six to eight feet long, though the
males are generally bigger than the females.
Interestingly, the closer the cougar is to the equator, an imaginary line
that wraps around the middle of the Earth, the smaller it tends to be. It
also tends to be bigger the closer it is to the poles, though that is
obvious by the previous sentence.
that wraps around the middle of the Earth, the smaller it tends to be. It
also tends to be bigger the closer it is to the poles, though that is
obvious by the previous sentence.
Cougars have five retractable claws on their front paws, and on their
back paws, they only have four. Their legs are very powerful, made to
seize prey.
back paws, they only have four. Their legs are very powerful, made to
seize prey.
Their heads are rounded, and their ears stand erect. They can be as big
as jaguars, but in the areas they share territory, they tend to be smaller.
Also, even if they are the same size, they aren't built the same; the
jaguar is much more muscular.
as jaguars, but in the areas they share territory, they tend to be smaller.
Also, even if they are the same size, they aren't built the same; the
jaguar is much more muscular.
The cougar is not considered a big cat, despite being one of the largest
in the world, for several reasons. One is that it can't roar like the other
big cats. It lacks the parts in its throat. Instead, it is best known for its
in the world, for several reasons. One is that it can't roar like the other
big cats. It lacks the parts in its throat. Instead, it is best known for its

Sometimes, it's even called for its screams. Its screams are somewhat
disturbing, and it often sounds like other animals.
While the color of the cougar is not exactly eye-catching, it can range
fairly widely. The cougar, even among siblings, can be anywhere from
silvery-gray to reddish. Its natural color is tawny, or brownish.
fairly widely. The cougar, even among siblings, can be anywhere from
silvery-gray to reddish. Its natural color is tawny, or brownish.
Some people believe that cougars can be black, confused by the term
'black panther.' But black panther refers to black leopards and jaguars,
which are naturally occuring in nature, rather than being a pigment
(color) condition like albinism or melanism. There has never been a
black cougar that has been documented.
'black panther.' But black panther refers to black leopards and jaguars,
which are naturally occuring in nature, rather than being a pigment
(color) condition like albinism or melanism. There has never been a
black cougar that has been documented.
Babies are born with spots. These spots go away when they become
adults, though not all at once. Instead, slowly, throughout their
adolescence, these spots disappear.
adults, though not all at once. Instead, slowly, throughout their
adolescence, these spots disappear.
The cougar has large paws, and the biggest hind legs in the cat world.
This makes it excellent at leaping and climbing. It can scale things that
its canid competitors can't, and this helps to protect it. Cougars are also
known to be able to swim, at least to an extent.
This makes it excellent at leaping and climbing. It can scale things that
its canid competitors can't, and this helps to protect it. Cougars are also
known to be able to swim, at least to an extent.
How do cougars act?
One thing to know about how cougars hunt is their legs. Like
previously mentioned, they have great leaping and climbing ability due
to their strong and long legs.
However, unlike their proposed relative the cheetah, they aren't built to
run for long. Instead, they do short bursts of energy, and are very fast
within that short time frame, but quickly have to stop.
run for long. Instead, they do short bursts of energy, and are very fast
within that short time frame, but quickly have to stop.
The cougar is a generalist predator. This means it will eat just about
anything it can catch, regardless. This ranges from tiny animals to huge
hoofed animals.
anything it can catch, regardless. This ranges from tiny animals to huge
hoofed animals.
Cougars are what are called obligate carnivores. This means they
absolutely have to have meat. They can't do without, can't substitute
something else if they're starving. Obligate is like the word obligated;
they have no choice unless they want to starve to death.
absolutely have to have meat. They can't do without, can't substitute
something else if they're starving. Obligate is like the word obligated;
they have no choice unless they want to starve to death.
Not all carnivores are obligate carnivores, but the cougar definitely is.
Cougars much prefer deer and their relatives; they've even been known
to take on bull moose. A full grown male moose is a force to be
reckoned with, but the cougar apparently can do that.
to take on bull moose. A full grown male moose is a force to be
reckoned with, but the cougar apparently can do that.
They are more likely to hunt white-tailed deer and bighorn sheep,
though, than moose.
though, than moose.
A cougar stretching.
In some areas, they eat animals such as harbor seals and raccoons too.
As stated before, the cougar will eat just about anything it can catch.
As stated before, the cougar will eat just about anything it can catch.
The cougar hunts in a specific way most of the time: ambush. It hides
in the brush or on ledges or other hidden spots, and then it jumps on the
back of its prey. It bites into its neck, and in smaller animals, this can
be so powerful it breaks the creature's neck. This bite tends to kill
pretty quickly.
in the brush or on ledges or other hidden spots, and then it jumps on the
back of its prey. It bites into its neck, and in smaller animals, this can
be so powerful it breaks the creature's neck. This bite tends to kill
pretty quickly.
After killing a large animal, the cougar tends to drag it away, cover it in
brush, and periodically eat it. This takes place over a few days.
brush, and periodically eat it. This takes place over a few days.
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