Children's Picture Books Blog — early reader
Cleveland Bays “History and Future” Horses For Kids
Posted by John Davidson on Introduction “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” – Carl Sagan*** Cleveland Bay: Cleveland Bay horses are very special. Do youknow why? Because they are the oldest breed of horses native toEngland! Where do they come from? These horses came from the Cleveland area of North Yorkshire inEngland. This is why they are called Cleveland Bays. But this is notthe only reason for their name. What color are they? Can you guess?Do you remember what a Bay is? Bay horses Bay horses have a special coat color. Look at the pictures closely. Whatcolor do you think it is?...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, children, children picture books, cleveland bays, early reader, future, history, horses for kids, kids, young readers
Chinchillas For Kids
Posted by Andrew Davidson on

Chinchillas For Kids-Amazing Animal Books-For Young Readers Introduction Chinchillas are fun, cute, and highly unique animals. Most people canclaim that they have heard of a chinchilla, but very few know what theylook like, or know much about them. This is because chinchillas arenot native to a very unique part of the world, meaning they live in onlyone small area of the world. Chinchillas were discovered in the 1500s by Spanish explorers thatcame to South America. Even though they were discovered in the1500s, it wasn't until the 1900s that people came to know more aboutchinchilla. Today, chinchillas can be kept...
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, children, children picture books, chinchillas for kids, early reader, kids, young readers
Chickens For Kids
Posted by Andrew Davidson on

Introduction There are more chickens in the world than any other kind of bird. Theyare the staple of many farms, kept by farmers and country familiesalike. They are known as the “bird that gives birth every day” and havebeen around since ancient times.Chickens were domesticated since long before we can remember. Theyare very important in many parts of the world for food and feathers,which help to keep us warm and comfy.As a cheap way to have fresh eggs, chickens have grown more andmore popular as pets. They also are not as vicious as geese, a similaranimal that lays eggs and...
- Tags: amazing animal books, books, chicken, children, children picture books, early reader, kids
A Parent's Guide to Choosing the Right Early Reader Children's Picture Books
Posted by John Davidson on

A good book is the key to let a child discover the joys of reading. The more early reader children's picture books he sees, the more likely he will want to read them. But how do you identify a good picture book to get for your child? Simply turn the pages.
Fear not: this handy guide should provide you more tips on how to choose the right early reader children's picture books.
Children's Picture Book: What You Should Know
Posted by John Davidson on

A children's picture book is still a book. However, it is made for the young audience. This type of book typically uses illustrations than words to tell a story. In general, it has32 pages, but other book genres only have less.
Although a children's picture book is traditionally written for early readers, in the past few years, there has been lots of good picture books published for the upper elementary and middle school audience.
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- Tags: amazing animal books, books, children, children picture books, early reader, Lbug books