Wolves - For Kids - Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers
Wolves - For Kids - Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. 10 Facts About Wolves
3. Wolves as Pets
4. Do Wolves Hurt People?
5. How Intelligent Are Wolves?
6. Do Wolves Communicate?
7. How Do Wolves Hunt?
8. How Wolves Live
9. Re-instating the Wolf in Yellowstone Park
10. History of the Gray Wolf
11. What Does the Gray Wolf Look Like?
12. Hunting the Gray Wolf
13. The Ethiopian Wolf
14. The Arctic Wolf
15. Himalayan Wolf
16. Tundra Wolf
17. Red Wolf
1. Introduction
The wolf belongs to the canine family. In America, the gray wolf, also called a timber wolf, is the
largest member of that family. This majestic animal is the ancestor of the dogs we keep as pets, and
he is a cousin to the coyote and the fox.
Gray wolves can survive in most climates, although they prefer the cold. They have roamed the
Americas from Alaska to Mexico since the last Ice Age. By 1960, hunting reduced the wolf
population to 300 in the lower 48 states, most of which lived in Minnesota and Michigan. Some of
the wolves were placed in Yellowstone Park, where they are able to breed successfully. Today,
there are 4,000 wolves roaming the Rockies and Northern states. Some farmers are upset that the
wolves are stealing their chickens and young livestock, but that's what wolves do. They hunt to
survive and eat.