DOUBLE FEATURE: Sam Meets the Loch Ness Monster & Facts about the Loch Ness Monster for Kids-Early Reader Children's Picture Books
DOUBLE FEATURE: Sam Meets the Loch Ness Monster & Facts about the Loch Ness Monster for Kids-Early Reader Children's Picture Books
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Table of Contents
Sam Meets the Loch Ness Monster.......................................4
Facts about the Loch Ness Monster for Kids.................................35
Facts about the Loch ........................................................................38
Facts about the Loch Ness Monster................................................41
Nessie Sightings ................................................................................46
Nessie Spotted on Land ..................................................................47
Nessie Spotted in the Water............................................................48
Sonar Evidence .................................................................................51
Searches for Nessie ...........................................................................53
The Circus Search ..........................................................................53
Sir Edward Mountain Search.........................................................53
Operation Deepscan.......................................................................53
Project Urquhart............................................................................54
Nessie Hoaxes....................................................................................57
Fact or Fiction? You decide! ...........................................................60
The Loch Ness Monster Today .......................................................62
Authors Bios......................................................................................64
Illustrators Bios................................................................................66
Publisher ...........................................................................................75
Dad has some great news. He’s won a holiday
vacation in a competition. A two week holiday
anywhere in the world! Sam claps his hands
and jumps up and down.
DOUBLE FEATURE: The Loch Ness Monster Page 6
“Where shall we go”? He asks. “To Scotland!"
Mom suggests. “My granny came from there”.
So it’s settled. Scotland it is.
DOUBLE FEATURE: The Loch Ness Monster Page 7
Up in his room, Sam looks up Scotland in his
atlas. It’s on a small island called Great
Britain, and Scotland looks very small indeed.