The Loch Ness Monster For Kids-Fact or Fiction?-Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
The Loch Ness Monster For Kids-Fact or Fiction?-Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
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Table of Contents
The Loch Ness Monster.................................................................................4
Foreword ....................................................................................................4
Facts about the Loch ......................................................................................6
Facts about the Loch Ness Monster ...............................................................8
Nessie Sightings...........................................................................................12
Nessie Spotted on Land............................................................................12
Nessie Spotted in the Water.....................................................................13
Sonar Evidence ............................................................................................15
Searches for Nessie ......................................................................................17
The Circus Search ....................................................................................17
Sir Edward Mountain Search ...................................................................17
Operation Deepscan .................................................................................17
Project Urquhart.......................................................................................18
Nessie Hoaxes..............................................................................................20
Fact or Fiction? You decide!........................................................................22
The Loch Ness Monster Today....................................................................23
Author Bio....................................................................................................24
The Author and Illustrator............................................................................25
The Loch Ness Monster
Fact or Fiction?
Fig. 1. Artistic interpretation of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, as a
misunderstood creature.
Europe has fascinated audiences throughout history with its literature, rich
with legendsstories of noble kings and brave knights battling fiery
dragons. In this Modern Age, who would have known that it had one more
card up its sleeve of magic and wonders?
The largest loch in Britain, Loch Ness offers splendid scenery that has
enchanted the world with its puzzle.
Dinosaurs have left fossils for archaeologists to excavate. Dragons have
filled the pages of folklore and served as fine pieces of art. And the
The Lock Ness Monster Page 5
mysterious loch has Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. However, unlike
dinosaurs, dragons, and other ancient mythical figures, Nessie has carefully
kept her tracks coveredalmost!
The unfolding tale of Nessie began in 565 AD. It is believed that an Irish
monk, Saint Columba, happened to be at the loch when a native was killed
by the beast. He ordered his follower to dive into the water. The moment the
formidable creature surfaced, he banished the brute away by signing the
cross and uttering these words: "Go no further. Do not touch the man. Go
back at once."