Snakes For Kids- Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
Snakes For Kids- Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
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Table of Contents
About Snakes.....................................................................................4
Boa Snakes, Water Snakes.................................................................5
Pythons and Rattlesnakes...................................................................6
Venomous Snakes..............................................................................8
Corn Snakes.....................................................................................12
Most Dangerous Snakes...................................................................15
Dangerous Snakes............................................................................17
King Snakes.....................................................................................19
White Snakes ...................................................................................20
Rat Snakes........................................................................................23
Black Snakes....................................................................................24
Scrub Python....................................................................................26
Boas .................................................................................................27
Garter Snakes...................................................................................29
How Can I Help? .............................................................................32
Fun Facts About Snakes ..................................................................34
About the Author .............................................................................40
Publisher ..........................................................................................46
About Snakes
Did you know that snakes are one of the most misunderstood
creatures in the animal kingdom? In this book we are going to learn
about snakes. We are going to talk about where they live, how they
hunt, what they eat, and learn some fun and interesting facts about
snakes. One thing that is very interesting about snakes is that some
species lay eggs to hatch and other species give birth to live young. As
we talk about each different snake keep an eye out for which ones lay
eggs and which have live babies. Snakes are also grouped together in
different families just like humans! We will learn a few of the snake
families and some of the snakes that belong to them.
Snakes For Kids Page 5
Boa Snakes, Water Snakes
The largest snake family is the Colubridae. They include almost
70% of all snakes and can be found worldwide. Snakes in this family
group lay eggs or sometimes have live babies. Animals that give birth
to live babies are called viviparous and animals that lay eggs are called
The next family of snakes in this book is the Elapidae. They are a
venomous snake which means they inject their prey with poison
through their fangs. They live mostly in tropical, wet areas and almost
all of them lay eggs. One type of Elapidae is the Sea Snake which is
different than the Water Snake.