Pandas For Kids Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers
Pandas For Kids Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers
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Table of Contents
1. 10 Facts About Pandas .......................................................................4
2. What Are Pandas Bears? ....................................................................6
3. Types Of Pandas.................................................................................8
Giant panda :...........................................................................................8
Lesser Panda :.........................................................................................9
4. Endangered Pandas...........................................................................10
5. Panda Bears Habitat .........................................................................11
6. Where Do Pandas Live.....................................................................13
7. What Do Panda Bears Eat ................................................................15
8. Giant Panda Bear Behavior ..............................................................16
9. Giant Panda Bear Anatomy..............................................................18
10. Giant Panda Bear Predators............................................................19
1. 10 Facts About Pandas
The following are ten facts about pandas:
1. There are less than 10 million pandas in the world.
2. A panda's hand has six digits as five fingers as well as an
opposable thumb.
3. Pandas are found mostly in mountain ranges in central Shaanxi,
China's Sichuan, and Gansu provinces.
4. Pandas inhabit mostly mountain forests, which are dense with
conifers and bamboo.
5. Due to their ineffective intestinal system, the giant pandas have
to feed for approximately 15 hours each day, with bamboo
making 99 % of their diet.
6. Giant pandas are among the few bear species that do not hide.
This is because it cannot store adequate fat from its diet.
7. Pandas live at high altitudes of about 1,500 to 3,000M. Their
thick and oily fur aids keep them warm.