My First Book about Crocodilian Amazing Animal Books Children's Picture Books
My First Book about Crocodilian Amazing Animal Books Children's Picture Books
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Table of Contents
What is a crocodilian? ................................................5
What kinds of crocodilians are there? ........................7
Where do crocodilians live? .......................................8
The history of crocodilians and humans...................10
How do crocodilians act? .........................................13
Nile crocodiles..........................................................16
Alligators ..................................................................19
Caiman ......................................................................24
Gharial ......................................................................27
False gharial..............................................................29
Conclusion ................................................................31
Publisher ...................................................................32
What is a crocodilian? ................................................5
What kinds of crocodilians are there? ........................7
Where do crocodilians live? .......................................8
The history of crocodilians and humans...................10
How do crocodilians act? .........................................13
Nile crocodiles..........................................................16
Alligators ..................................................................19
Caiman ......................................................................24
Gharial ......................................................................27
False gharial..............................................................29
Conclusion ................................................................31
Publisher ...................................................................32
The crocodilian family includes alligators, caimans,
gharial, false gharial, and of course, crocodiles.
gharial, false gharial, and of course, crocodiles.
Crocodilian have been around for millions of years,
back to the prehistoric ages.
back to the prehistoric ages.
They have very powerful jaws and are quick in the
water, making them a very dangerous reptile.
water, making them a very dangerous reptile.
What is a crocodilian?
Crocodilian are some of the largest reptiles in the
World, they live both on land and in the water.
World, they live both on land and in the water.
An alligator
They can grow be up to 20 feet long, also have very
long snouts full of sharp teeth.
long snouts full of sharp teeth.
Crocodilians have their eyes and nose on the tops of
their heads; this is so they can hide in the water.
their heads; this is so they can hide in the water.