Crocodilians For Kids - Amazing Animal Books - For Young Readers

Crocodilians For Kids - Amazing Animal Books - For Young Readers

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Crocodilians - For Kids -Amazing Animal Books - For Young Readers

Rachel Smith
Mendon Cottage Books
JD-Biz Corp Publishing
Crocodilians Page 2
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Table of Contents
Introduction 4
What is a crocodilian? 5
What kinds of crocodilians are there? 7
Where do crocodilians live? 8
The history of crocodilians and humans 9
How do crocodilians act? 11
Nile crocodile 13
Alligator 15
Caiman 18
Gharial 20
False gharial 22
Conclusion 24
Author Bio 25
Publisher 26
Crocodilians are a broad topic. Rather than just focus on crocodiles,
this book shows crocodiles and other members of the Crocodilia Order.
This includes animals you may already know, such as the alligator, but
it also contains the ones you hear about less: the caiman, the gharial,
and the false gharial. And believe me, these guys are some cool
The crocodile is one of the ancient types of animals; like sharks and
moose, it has been around a long time, surviving many different
environmental catastrophes and changing some with the times.
With their powerful jaws and swiftness in the water, crocodilians are
some of the most dangerous, yet the most fascinating, kinds of lizards.
A crocodilian is not an animal to be played with.