Yoga Practice In Fitness
Yoga Practice In Fitness
Most of us are habituated to seeking outside of ourselves for nirvana. Today, we live in a world that makes us believe that outer accomplishments and attainments can give us what we want. Yet, every now and then our experiences illustrate that nothing external can entirely satisfy the unfathomable yearning within, for more.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Chapter # 1: Introduction
Chapter # 2: Goals
Chapter # 3: Paths of Yoga
Chapter # 4: Benefits of Yoga
7 Day Schedule
Chapter # 1: Day 1
Chapter # 2: Day 2
Chapter # 3: Day 3, 4 & 5
Chapter # 4: Day 6 & 7
30 days Schedule
Chapter # 1: Week 1
Chapter # 2: Week 2
Chapter # 3: Week 3
Chapter # 4: Week 4
Author Bio
Most of us are habituated to seeking outside of ourselves for nirvana. Today, we live in a world that makes us believe that outer accomplishments and attainments can give us what we want. Yet, every now and then our experiences illustrate that nothing external can entirely satisfy the unfathomable yearning within, for more. Regardless of the time, nevertheless, we discover ourselves endeavoring toward that which always seems to lie just outside our reach. We are always focusing on doing rather than being, in action rather than sentience and awareness. It is difficult for us to imagine a state of far-reaching serenity and tranquility in which thoughts and feelings cease to dance in eternal motion. There is no blinking the fact, that through such a state of peacefulness, we can trace a level of happiness and understanding difficult to attain otherwise.
Yoga is a simple course of reversing the usual outward flow of energy and realization. This is so the mind develops a vibrant center of direct insight, which is no longer reliant on the imperfect senses, but proficient enough to actually experience the Truth.
The next sections discuss yoga, its goals, benefits, and plans in detail.