Health Benefits of Beetroot
Health Benefits of Beetroot
eetroot, sometimes also referred to as the beet, is a part of a vegetable that is gaining immense fame in health-aware populations due to its lengthy list of nutritious benefits. Beetroots and their products like juices & concentrates have countless benefits, some of which include the restoration of body’s normal functions like blood pressure, blood flow, and athletic performance.
Health Benefits of Beetroot
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Chapter # 1: Intro
Chapter # 2: Nutritional Worth
Chapter # 3: Selection & Storage
Health Benefits
Chapter # 1: Cardiovascular Health
Chapter # 2: Lowers Risk of Dementia
Chapter # 3: Improves Athletic Performance
Chapter # 4: Good for the Skin & Hair
Chapter # 1: Beetroot and Walnut Salad
Chapter # 2: Tandoori Cutlets with Beetroot Raita
Chapter # 3: Beetroot Hummus
Author Bio
Beetroot, sometimes also referred to as the beet, is a part of a vegetable that is gaining immense fame in health-aware populations due to its lengthy list of nutritious benefits. Beetroots and their products like juices & concentrates have countless benefits, some of which include the restoration of body’s normal functions like blood pressure, blood flow, and athletic performance. More and more pharmaceutical companies are now using compounds extracted from beetroot in their products due to their superior antioxidant, refreshing and cardiovascular benefit inducing properties.
Beetroots have, for long, been in use by ancient civilizations due to their refreshing and detoxification qualities. The rich purple pigment in beetroots is one of the most nutritious components of the vegetable and is known to suppress the development of deadly diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer.