Anti-Inflammatory Diet - Bid Adieu to High-Risk Health Infections
Anti-Inflammatory Diet - Bid Adieu to High-Risk Health Infections
What does one mean when he/she complains of inflammation? What kind of diet protects the body from harm inflicted by inflammation? Is inflammation permanent?
Anti-Inflammatory Diet - Bid Adieu to High-Risk Health Infections
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Chapter # 1: Overview
Chapter # 2: What is it?
Chapter # 3: Types of Inflammation
Chapter # 4: Inflammation & Pain
Chapter # 6: Inflammation & Living Conditions
Chapter # 7: General Guidelines against Inflammation
Five Day Diet Plan
Chapter # 1: Day 1
Chapter # 2: Day 2
Chapter # 3: Day 3
Chapter # 4: Day 4
Chapter # 5: Day 5
Author Bio
What does one mean when he/she complains of inflammation? What kind of diet protects the body from harm inflicted by inflammation? Is inflammation permanent?
I’m sure your head is bursting with a multitude of questions regarding inflammation right now; after all it’s one of the reasons you are reading this book in the first place! This book will tackle each aspect of inflammation & the diet that is aimed to prevent it, in detail, so relax and ardently enjoy the text that will surely change your life.
Before one can delve into the particulars of the anti-inflammatory diet, he/she has to grasp the biology behind inflammation and it’s far reaching effects, as once you get these concepts, you will automatically understand the logic behind the anti-inflammatory diet.