My First Book About Bees
Amazing Animal Books - Children's Picture Books
Table of Contents What Are Bees? Facts About Bees Options for treating bee stings The Life Cycle of a Bee Why Are Bees So Important to Humans? Types of Bees Carpenter bees Africanized honey bees Bumble Bees Yellow Jackets Wasps The Bee Hive The Honey Bee Colony The Royal Queen Bee Keeping Tips for Preventing Attacks Harvesting Honey Honey What is Pollen and Pollination? Flowers That Attract Bees Conclusion Publisher What Are Bees? Bees are related to ants and wasps. Bees are made up of three body parts, the head, thorax, and abdomen. The thorax is the smaller middle section of the body containing three pair of legs and four wings. Bees' wings flap 11,400 times per minute, that is why we hear a buzzing sound. The abdomen is the lower and largest part of the body that has a nectar pouch and stomach, at the end is the stinger.