Tigers For Kids - Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers
Tigers For Kids - Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers
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Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................4
About Tigers..................................................................................6
Where Tigers Live .........................................................................9
Tiger Features..............................................................................11
How Tigers Hunt for Food ..........................................................13
Predators For Tigers ....................................................................15
How Tigers Communicate...........................................................17
The Social Life of a Tiger............................................................19
The Evolution of the Tiger ..........................................................21
South China Tiger........................................................................23
Bengal Tiger ................................................................................25
Sumatran Tiger ............................................................................27
Siberian Tiger ..............................................................................29
Indochinese Tiger ........................................................................31
Malayan Tiger..............................................................................33
Tiger Species That Are Now Extinct...........................................35
Tigers have always been fascinating animals to watch. Perhaps it is
the way that they quietly stalk their prey, as they gracefully move
through the tall grass. Or maybe it is the long leaps they take when
they pounce on their victim.
One of their most recognizable features is their bright orange colored
fur and black stripes. But did you know that there is a reason for
Tigers for Kids Page 5
these black stripes? Do you know why the tigers have these black
You may know that the tiger is a descendant of the saber tooth tiger.
But did you know that the tigers weren’t always the size that you see
today? Or do you know how many types of tigers exist today? Were
you aware that a new species of tiger was identified and named as
recently as 2004?
Are you aware that all of the tigers are on the endangered species list,
and run a risk of becoming extinct? There are laws in place
worldwide to save and protect these big cats. Some tigers live in very
remote regions, and there is so much we still can learn about these
amazing creatures.