Paleo Diet - Old is Gold!
Paleo Diet - Old is Gold!
Paleo Diet - Old is Gold!
What began as a social service has now become a means to earn money and fill one’s pockets; specific eating patterns or diets have long been used to get rid of an ailment or condition. The technological boom, along with the ever increasing cleverness of the marketing industry, has resulted in the release of a number of diets that could do “wonders” for you.
Paleo Diet - Old is Gold!
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Chapter 1: Overview
Chapter 2: What to Eat and What Not?
Chapter 3: Switching to the Paleo Diet
Chapter 4: Paleo Diet Comparison Chart
Benefits of Paleo Diet
Chapter 1: Weight-Loss
Chapter 2: Reduces Type-2 Diabetes Risk
Chapter 3: Builds Muscles
Chapter 4: Other Benefits
Breakfast Recipes
Chapter 1: Paleo Bread
Chapter # 2: Paleo Pancakes
Chapter # 3: Zucchini & Eggs
Main Dishes
Chapter # 1: Paleo Chili
Chapter # 2: Baked Salmon
Chapter # 3: Rapid Roast Chicken
Chapter # 4: Paleo Chorizo & Kale Stew
Chapter # 5: Spaghetti Squash with Sauce
Chapter # 6: Homemade Pastrami
Chapter # 1: Parrothead Salad
Chapter # 2: Banana Bread
Chapter # 3: Coconut-Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chapter # 4: Grapefruit & Avocado Salad
Author Bio
What began as a social service has now become a means to earn money and fill one’s pockets; specific eating patterns or diets have long been used to get rid of an ailment or condition. The technological boom, along with the ever increasing cleverness of the marketing industry, has resulted in the release of a number of diets that could do “wonders” for you. The wonders part is definitely true, but the kinds of wonders most of them do come at great costs, therefore, it’s time to rethink as to where it all went wrong.A simple answer arises: we became modern. That’s right, we became modern and abandoned the techniques through which our ancestors survived. Also, we became so disillusioned with our lives that we fell into the simple trap of “making our lives better, the easy way”; that’s all you need to think about now.
A simple glimpse of the Paleo Diet is that it’s the diet that was followed by our ancestors, well over 10,000 years ago. At that time it was the only diet and comprised of raw foods like meat. Moreover, at that time,humans had to rely on their natural skills for cooking the meal too, as there was rarely a sustainable living atmosphere at that time. This is the basis of the diet that will be used in this book to make your life better in every aspect.
Also it must be known that many practitioners started creating their own personalized versions of the Paleo Diet, however in this book the pure & original version of the Paleo Diet will be used without any additives.