Goats For Kids - Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
Goats For Kids - Amazing Animal Books For Young Readers
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Table of Contents
Introduction 4
What are goats? 5
Goats and humans 7
Goats and humans 7
What do goats eat? 9
Goats and their appearances 11
How do goats act? 14
Pygmy Goats 17
Australian Goats 19
Boer Goats 20
American LaMancha Goats 22
Dwarf Goats 24
Landrace Goats 26
Alpine Goats 28
Angora Goats 29
Cashmere Goats 31
Mountain Goats 33
Conclusion 35
Author Bio 36
Publisher 43
Did you know that goats won’t eat just anything? They’re actually very
picky eaters. This is in spite of many sources showing them eating
everything from homework to tin cans.
Goats are very interesting creatures; they have been domesticated
(herded and raised by humans) for longer than people have had a
written language. Goats aren’t a bit part of modern day life for most
people, but they have long been a source of food, clothing, and other
goods for people the world over.